First digital examination at the University
Today marked the first live digital in-class exam at Kristianstad University. This means that students are physically present, just like in a regular exam, but they use a computer to answer questions instead of pen and paper.
Matilda Vendel is one of the students who took the exam. In her case, it was a retake, so she could compare the two formats.
- I only see positives in this, Matilda stated. The setup for the exam was better, and it was significantly easier to write on a computer rather than by hand. It was convenient to be able to rephrase and make changes before submission.
As a student, you can use your own computer or book a loaned computer specifically adapted for digital exams. If you use your own computer, you will need to install special software that blocks the use of other computer functions except those necessary for the exam.
- Technically, it went smoothly as well, and it was convenient to be able to borrow a computer; my own has been acting up, Matilda elaborated.