Do you have a Swedish personal identity number? Raise your trust level with BankID
If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, you are not affected by this requirement and therefore do not need to do this identification!
As of January 1, 2024, students at Kristianstad University who have a Swedish personal identity number must have a higher so-called trust level on your student account in order to be able to log in to Ladok. This means a higher level of security for you that no one other than you can log in to the service.
It can take up to 60 minutes before Ladok registers your verification.
What does this mean for you as a student with a Swedish personal identity number?
If you do not increase your trust level, you will not be able to log in to Ladok after December 31, 2023 without identifying yourself. If you can't login to Ladok, you won't be able to access your results, register for courses or register for an exam.
As a student with a Swedish personal identity number, you can do this identification as early as December 4, 2023! You only need to do it once and if you need to change the password on your account.
How do you raise your trust level?
To get the right trust level, you need to identify yourself with the help of BankID. You can easily do this by logging in to the Student portal and click on the link Verify yourself with BankID.
If you are not able to identify yourself digitally using BankID, you have the opportunity to identify yourself on site at the university's reception in building 7. Valid ID documents are, for example, Swedish passport, Swedish ID card or Swedish driving licence.
If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, you are not affected by this requirement and therefore do not need to do this identification.
Why do you need to do this?
Kristianstad University is part of the Swedish Academic Identity Federation (SWAMID) and therefore needs to follow their rules for how accounts are managed. One of the rules is trust levels on accounts, i.e. how sure we are about who holds a student account.
Ladok is the first system at Kristianstad University to require a higher level of security for login, but more and more systems will require higher levels of security in the future. You will not have to increase the trust level for each individual system, you will do it once in your account, and if you need to change the password on your account.
If you have any questions, please contact