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New learning platform

When entering the fall semester we will change our learning platform from itslearning to a new one, called Canvas. For you as a student, it means you will continue your studies in a new platform.

The new learning platform is different from itslearning. You will find it at hkr.se by clicking "Learning platform". To log in, use the same login as you've used before. You can log in a week before the fall semester start, after you registered in the Student portal.

Itslearning will shut down on 31th of December this year, and you can't log in after that. If there is anything in itslearning you need to proceed your studies, we recommend that you download it. If you have something unfinished in a course, make sure to download this material aswell. If you have any questions about finishing a course, please contact your teacher.

If you have any questions about the new learning platform, please contact 3030@hkr.se